
How does Light Therapy help you?

Every illness, pain, difficult situation in some aspect of your life is an invitation to change and pacification of a part of you. The Light therapist helps you listen to and understand the messages behind the symptoms and, thanks to this, produce a change in consciousness, an evolutionary change. Light Therapy does not aim to suppress the symptoms, but when the message from the soul has been heard, the symptoms no longer make sense and disappear. By harmonizing the energetic, the physical or difficult situations are harmonized.

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Personal traumas

We all have a story and sometimes it is not as harmonious as we would like. Problems with parents, events, traumas, memories, can distort our energy field and our subtle bodies.

Family problems

The family tree is like a radionic machine that conditions us to go in one direction. This means that we cannot be ourselves and that we are subject to all kinds of rules, prohibitions, illnesses or repetition of situations of family origin. Liberation involves conscious work on harmonizing the family tree in order to receive its energy in a positive way.

Magic, evil eye and other negative energies

Magic understood as the release of energies to achieve certain goals exists and is very dangerous. Ignoring the energy world does not save us from its effects. A person's inability to sleep, general weakness, or illness can be caused by anyone's magic.

In business, it is very common for a company to do magic on its competition, since it is seriously harming it without criminal or legal consequences.

Neutralizing the magic they do to us has become a necessity of the first order today.

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